Digital Forensic Investigations

Clear Explanations

Headquartered near Oxford in the UK, serves legal, corporate and private clients at home and overseas. Our firm specialises in the collection, preservation, analysis and presentation of digital evidence.

We are meticulous and discreet in our work; we use advanced tools and techniques, refined over many years working in difficult circumstances and jurisdictions, to gather the individual points of evidence you need; and we explain the significance of this evidence in a clear and intelligible manner. This explanation might take the form of an informal written report, an expert report for a court or tribunal, or as oral testimony before those forums.

Whatever the situation, we will help you better understand events and their potential remedies. We bring a great depth of experience to every case and are able to tailor our service to your individual needs and concerns, and those of your clients.


Contact Us
+44 75 3492 0095
Unit 3, The Charter Studios
The Charter
OX14 3LZ

Areas of Practice



We assist in the aftermath of hacking incidents, employing forensic techniques to understand what has happened and security and incident response techniques to mitigate further impact. We investigate and advise on harrasment and cyber-bullying, and assist law firms and counsel in obtaining relevant disclosure orders.

Dispute Resolution


We help to find and understand digital evidence around corruption, fraud or malpractice within an organisation or in a supply chain. We offer forensic analysis of email traffic and inter-personal relationships, often in the context of fraud, and are frequently asked to opine on the provenance and veracity of questioned electronic documents.

Security Advice & Assessment


Many of our clients contact us in the midst of adversity, and often require us to recommend or implement improvements to their digital security as an urgent part of our work for them. While we are always happy to do this, we feel that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so we offer proactive security advice and assessment based on extensive real-world experience of securing high value digital assets.

“… whatever he touches, whatever he leaves, even unconsciously, will serve as a silent witness against him. … This is evidence that does not forget. It is not confused by the excitement of the moment. It is not absent because human witnesses are. …Only human failure to find it, study and understand it, can diminish its value.”

– Locard’s exchange principle, in Kirk, P. and Thornton, J., (1985). Crime Investigation. New York: Wiley, p.2.

Get in Touch

We are always happy to discuss a potential matter prior to instruction, in whatever detail is required, free of charge and in the strictest confidence, so please feel free to get in touch.